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Work Study

Earn Money While Building Your Resume-

Student parents participating in the Kentucky Temporary Assistance Program (KTAP) qualify for work study positions on and off campus. These positions help to support your family’s income while in college. Work Study builds work readiness skills and provides career development opportunities.

Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (KTAP) provides financial and medical assistance to needy dependent children in Kentucky and the parents, or relatives, with whom the children are living. KTAP also helps families find jobs or get training that leads to a job.

To receive a work study position with the Center for Student Parents you must-

  1. Apply for KTAP by contacting your local Department for Community Based Services office

  1. Be a full time student (holding 12 or more hours) at Eastern Kentucky University.

  1. Apply for the position by completing a background check and employment paperwork. The position can be found at Select Student/GA. Search for Center for Student Parents.

Contact us TODAY for more information!

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